Tag Archives: Fan-fiction

We Are Fanor?


Or Thoughts on Reading Moral Ambiguity into the Characterizations of the Fëanorians

[Crossposted to the Heretic Loremaster]

Several weeks ago, I got irritated at a piece about The Silmarillion in a well-known blog that cast Fëanor in the role of the unmitigated villain. It was a rare show of negativity for me, and I almost didn’t post it because of that. But I did, and I’ve been thinking about why this particular interpretation of Fëanor as some evil entity irritates me to the point of uncharacteristic venom (especially since I’ve been known to roll my eyes at people who can’t be arsed to go out to vote because it’s raining but will tip over cars because of a football game or encourage teenagers to self-harm because they don’t like their fan fiction).

… … …

I feel like to reduce Fëanor (or his sons) to villains flattens one of the most interesting questions posed in The Silmarillion to where it isn’t even worth asking: What causes a person to “fall”? ….

… … …

But to acknowledge that a character like Fëanor is capable of villainous actions without existing purely as a villain is a scary proposition for a lot of people, I think. We like to imagine people like Fëanor as somehow different from us in their capacity for evil deeds. We—those of us who are good by nature—would never rob, murder, and betray our fellow humans like that. There is something extraordinary and wrong in the nature of Fëanor that he can and does.

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Beautiful and insightful. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but it seems like our capacity for selective retention, and thus the rather interesting (but thoroughly exasperating) side effect of the spawning of fanon, is related to this phenomenon Dawn Felagund mentioned.

I believe, unless one’s comprehension ability is genuinely that low, that inside us there is a need to rationalise and compartmentalise, label things so our brains can process and accept or make sense of things. Often it seems this involves “othering” behaviour we have negative ideas of, or do not want to be associated with. It can even be behaviour, states or traits we feel, for some reason, unable (or perhaps the more appropriate word is reluctant) to try for, or attain personally (”Wow, he/she must have super willpower to lose that weight at all. I can never do what he/she did.”).

On the other hand, the romantising, elevation, and “pedestalling” of characters we like (or want to like, or wish to cast into perfection), that need to whitewash bad behaviour, is just as prevalent.

But is the world ever really so black and white? Honestly, the moral ambiguity of the Silmarillion characters is what makes it so interesting for me. The vagueness of Thranduil’s character arc and background amidst the opulent foundation of the Silm is what makes him so appealing to me.

Before anyone start making a swiss cheese imitation out of this post, I’ll just say this: I am well aware of the irony of being both a book!canon fan and a fan fiction writer. It may seem like semantics to some, but to me there is a very clear distinction between knowing and using canon to create a fan fiction, and spawning fanon and corrupting canon. I just hope I never develop blindspots and fall into the fanon trap, or if I did, to recognise I got in a hole and find ways to get out of it.

We Are Fanor?

On the subject of fanworks …


… because today is International Fanworks Day.


I didn’t get to start much less post my story for the SWG’s IDF challenge, but before I get down to business on my thesis work for the day, I do want to say a few (ha) words about what I’ve come to learn over the past ten years of writing, reading, and running various sites and projects related to Tolkien fan fiction.

Like many people, I initially believed that writing “fan fiction” was worthy of being deemed a guilty pleasure, possibly unethical, certainly illegal. I was initially embarrassed that I seemingly couldn’t help myself when it came to writing and reading stories about The Silmarillion. I consoled myself that, like many hobbies that aren’t particularly edifying or the best use of our time and energies, I was simply having fun with something fairly harmless, and I shouldn’t stress out so much about it.

I think I was wrong but I also think I was a product of my time. I was born in 1981, so while I was using PCs from a fairly young age, widespread Internet use didn’t take hold until I was in college. (My dad being a computer geek, we had old-school AOL dial-up when I was in high school.) I was also, from a young age, shuttled into the “gifted and talented” track in my school, so while my family was not particularly intellectual, I nonetheless was educated into the mindset that publication (whether creative or academic) was an achievement of the highest order. And “originality” was, of course, enshrined.

So spending my time writing stories that couldn’t be published and clearly weren’t “original” as I was taught to define it? Was something that I struggled to see as worthwhile.

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Got to remember International Fanworks Day. Even as a seriously lapsed fan-fiction writer, Dawn Felagund’s words resonated. I know why I do it, but there is no shame in admitting to entetaining existential doubt about it at times.

I have been trying to prep, and pick up where I left off last decade, thanks to RL (losing touch with fellow fic writers who have become friends in the process). Well, at the least l should aim to finish the WIPs on hand.

Honestly, trying to get back onto the path is hard work, and I still can’t start writing right away. But this post, along with the very pleasant and rare surprise of a review of my WIP magnum opus Hunt for Gollum (online and last updated in 2006) that popped up just yesterday, are some of the best unlooked for boost to get going.

I’m slow, thanks to RL, but I’ll get there, RL willing.

On the subject of fanworks …

Christmas Carol Parody: Thranduil Baby (Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt)

Stepping away for a bit from both book-nerding, and square-my-head-about-movie effort. Something a little bit naughty, a little nice, and definitely all tongue-in-cheek. Hosting it here in case it violates some proprietry rule at the family-friendly place where my fellow fanciers of the Elvenking congregate. Fellow Thralls, you know who you are.

For accompanying visual bookends, refer to this meme. And yes, I am aware the original song isn’t technically a carol, but its seasonal vibe is undeniable.
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Fan-fiction: A canon-friendly fix-it ficlet about Thranduil and Legolas’ last scene in TH: tBotFA [spoiler]


(Source: mydearheroes.tumblr.com)

500-word drabble, set about 2 to 3 years after Legolas bade farewell to Thranduil in BotFA.

Continuing with my processing of BotFa, which also included doing a fangurl!meme, or two, of Thranduil (I’m not sorry though). This is a one-shot fix-it ficlet on the follow-up of the final scene between Thranduil and Legolas in “The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies”, how Legolas got his knives back, and that missing burial ceremony. Because: book-canon, timeline (yes, I am aware of the advancement done to Strider’s age in the movies), and what-the-heck?!

Yup, this here is one for us movie-going book-readers, who may or may not be fangirls. Merry Yule/Post-Yule, everyone.

– revised as of 28 Dec for word count issues, proper quote citation and clarity
final revision revised again 21 Jan
final!final more revision on 23 Jan
– Yup. Again on 24 Jan.
-tweakies on 15 Feb.)

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Why do I write fan-fiction?

ScribeTolkien fan-fiction that is. Not that I have delusions of grandeur; far from it. My approach is one of respect and sense of adventure: to understand and fill in the gaps unsaid (mainly to calm the unavoidable mental fidgeting in my head), not reinvention or re-imaginings – which is as fruitful as trying to re-discover the wheel, or fire.

Canon-friendly, canon-correct, canon-conscious, whatever the term, those are my perimeters, my prime directives. Which can be personally stressful and painful, painstaking in fact.

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