Daily Archives: January 25, 2015

Apologies for duplicate posts. And an ingrate’s technology gripe

quote-Charles-M.-Schulz-sometimes-i-lie-awake-at-night-and-1-2374Note: much apologies to blog followers who may get multiple duplicate posts for a bit as I straighten this out.

Ingrate. That’s me. Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask: do I ask for too much of technology, of social media, of internet people? (Not the last, in all seriousness. I’m well aware people are the problem, like Ms Dodson, despite the Stockholm Syndrome induced affection she developed for Mr. Constantine that has somewhat disabused her of that key existential tenet.)

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No one enters this kingdom, and no one leaves it. Beautiful!…

No one enters this kingdom, and no one leaves it.

Beautiful! And the perfect blog for a test cross-post to wordpress.

via tumblr http://ift.tt/1yH1VMd published on January 25, 2015 at 11:01PM

PSA: The Silmarillion page-read, aka “Loitering in those times of bad behaviour”

Silmarillion Book Cover Once more into the drama. If there was any thought of the Silm being done with, this sweatingtomordor announcement put paid to the notion.  28th January, Wedsneday, is the date!
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